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W-Sim Prep.

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 2:10 pm
by RWC
I'm sure that this topic has been addressed many times but here's my go. Is anyone aware of any resources that have different scenarios such as the one provided in the Preparing for the W-Sim document with Nav Canada? If I had more scenarios to go over I would feel more comfortable going into the assessment session.

Anything helps,


Re: W-Sim Prep.

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2017 9:22 am
by Slothhead

Not aware of any additional resources for the W-Sim, but just redo the worksheet a few times before your testing session. The W-Sim is actually a pretty easy component of the testing, if you can do all the prep questions and understand how to get those answers, you'll do fine.

Good luck.

Re: W-Sim Prep.

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 7:32 am
by suramik
Depending on how you approach the questions, it can be helpful to be able to quickly convert knots into nautical miles per minute, e.g. 240 KT = 4 NM/min, 270 KT = 4.5 NM/min.