All jobs placed in this forum are 100% FREE to view or post?
All registered users who are logged in on AvCanada can post an aviation related job ad.
#1. Create a username
Only registered users are allowed to post job ads on AvCanada. If you are not a registered user you can create a new username for free by going to ucp.php?mode=register . Once a username is created you will need to login and return to this forum to post your topic.
#2. Login
To login please visit ucp.php?mode=login .
If you have any problems, questions or concerns with the registration process please send me a private message or email to .
#3. Select the "New Topic" button in the free job forum or visit posting.php?mode=post&f=7 .
Fill out the form and select submit. It is suggested that the subject line include your job position title and your companies name.
If you need some help on how to post a topic in this forum please email .NOTE: All users first posts or topics are reviewed and can take 12-24 hours normally to get approved. Once approved your job ad will be up and live for public view.